Celebrate 25 years of Label Rouge with 25 Scottish Salmon Recipes

Friday, 31 March 2017
Post in collaboration with Scottish Salmon 

A roundup of 25 fabulous recipes using Fresh, Smoked and Hot Smoked Scottish Salmon to celebrate 25 years of the Label Rouge Auld Alliance.

Bonjour! 2017 sees Scottish Salmon celebrate 25 years of holding the French Government’s Label Rouge award. This honour is given only to products of superior taste and quality. Scottish Salmon was the first non-French food and the only Scottish food to join this prestigious group, a fact of which Scottish Salmon producers are incredibly proud. The award of the Label Rouge was significant in developing the export market in France and has subsequently opened many other markets for Scottish salmon around the world.

To celebrate the celebrate the Auld Alliance and 25th Anniversary of being awarded the Label Rouge I've developed a new recipe using Scottish Salmon with a French twist. You'll find a link to my Scottish Salmon Cassoulet recipe below as part of a bumper roundup of 25 Scottish Salmon Recipes from top UK food bloggers using Fresh, Smoked and Hot Smoked Salmon. It is such a versatile fish and I for one absolutely can't get enough of it. Joyeux Anniversaire Saumon Ecossais!

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www.foodiequine.co.uk Celebrate the Auld Alliance of 25 years of Label Rouge with 25 Scottish Salmon Recipes from top UK food bloggers using Fresh, Smoked and Hot Smoked Salmon.

Disclosure: This is a commissioned post for Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation. As always, all views expressed are my own. 
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  1. What a wonderful collection of salmon recipes Claire! Thank you so much for including mine too. I've shared the post everywhere:)

  2. Wow what a fab collection! Salmon is so versatile. Thanks for including my recipes :-) Eb x

  3. Such a gorgeous collection of recipes! Salmon is such a wonderfully versatile ingredient, and I'm delighted to hear Scottish salmon is recognised for the quality that it is. :)

  4. This is amazing, I love Scottish salmon and it's so good to see all these delicious recipes gathered together.

  5. Salmon is my favorite fish and you just publish such a great recipe collection!!! Thanks for sharing:)


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