Blackcurrant Oaty Flapjacks

Tuesday 13 August 2019
Sticky oaty blackcurrant flapjacks. The ideal way to use up a glut of summer fruit and super quick and easy to make. The blackcurrants almost go jam like when baked with the oats and syrup. Perfect for breakfast, lunchboxes or simply with a cuppa.

It would appear to be a fantastic year for blackcurrants if the crop on the singular bush in my garden is anything to go by. It is literally heaving with berries and they are huge to boot! Trouble is that they aren't quite as versatile as strawberries and rasps. They are just a wee bit too tart to eat in any quantity au-natural and whilst I've been throwing them in smoothies and using them at breakfast time to top my porridge and bircher muesli I've really not made much of a dent upon the bumper crop. At this point I'd usually freeze a batch however there are still a couple of bags in there from last year! Time to get inventive.

Jam is of course the obvious choice and I will definitely get round to at least one batch. I spotted that Lucy at Baking Queen had made some Blackcurrant Curd so wasted no time in making three jars of my own. It looks and tastes amazing. Such a vivid colour. I found the recipe a wee bit fiddly and next time I'd sieve the blackcurrants prior to adding them to the butter/sugar/egg mixture. Pie and crumble are other possibilities, perhaps with the inclusion of apples. I think something boozy may also be on the cards. Homemade Ribena is another obvious and I also quite fancy the idea of fruit leathers. But first up surely the easiest way to get them eaten would be to incorporate them into a bake. Sticky sweet flapjacks were for me the obvious choice. The blackcurrants almost go jam like when baked with the oats and syrup. Perfect for breakfast, lunchboxes or simply with a cuppa.

Blackcurrant Oaty Flapjacks

150g Butter
100g Soft Brown Sugar
2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
350g Porridge/Rolled Oats
250g Blackcurrants

Preheat your oven to 160c degrees and grease/line a tray bake tin.
Melt together the butter, sugar and syrup over a low heat in a good sized pan.
Stir in the oats and blackcurrants and mix until well combined. You want to squash the berries a wee bit so the colour starts to bleed out.
Tip into the prepared tin and smooth with the back of a metal spoon.
Bake for 25 minutes or until the edges are just beginning to turn golden.
Cut into squares whilst still warm, but don't attempt to remove from the tin until completely cool.

♥ Pin me for later... Sticky oaty blackcurrant flapjacks. The ideal way to use up a glut of summer fruit and super quick and easy to make. The blackcurrants almost go jam like when baked with the oats and syrup. Perfect for breakfast, lunchboxes or simply with a cuppa.


  1. Oh boy, I'd have a hard job not scoffing that mix straight from the bowl Claire! It looks soooo yummy :D

  2. A great way of mixing a classic snack with some seasonal berries - YUUM!

    1. Exactly! And I alway think that flapjacks are good for you - despite the butter sugar and syrup!!!

  3. They look gorgeous! I love that tangy pop of blackcurrants and it would be amazing with the sweet oaty flapjacks. Great colour, too!

    1. The sweet, tart and sticky is such a winning combination.

  4. They look delicious! Love the vibrant pinky colour the blackberries add. Wish I had a garden so I can grow my own fruit/berries :D

    1. I love how the colour of the mixture changes when the berry juice starts to bleed out during mixing.

  5. Wow I love the vibrant colour of the blackcurrant curd, and the flapjacks sound so yummy! Thanks for linking up with #TreatPetite

    1. Nature really does have all the best colours. Nothing artificial needed!

  6. You can't beat a flapjack and with added Ribena(y) goodness I bet these taste phenomenal! Thanks for taking part in Treat Petite x

    1. I'm with you on the nostalgic Ribena thing. That's what blackcurrants mean to me.

  7. I've got a bag of blackcurrants in the freezer from my friend's mum that I was going to make jelly with, but I think I'm going to make curd now I've seen yours!!! Loving the flapjacks too... perfect for those back to school lunch boxes :-) Thanks again for hooking up with August's round of Simple and in Season.

    1. You might change your mind again as I'm just about to post a recipe for a Blackcurrant Gin Liqueur...!

  8. I love the colour that comes from the blackcurrants! Sounds divine.


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