Meal Planning Monday - Its MAY!

Sunday, 5 May 2013
How on earth can it possibly be May? The fact that the kids are off school today took me completely by surprise. Last weeks meal plan went pretty much completely out the window but all for good reasons. A bar supper out with a friend, a meal with Nick Nairn and my husband whisking me away to the Carmelite Hotel for a night.
I'm guessing I should explain the meal with Nick Nairn thing. This was what I alluded to last week when I said I had a better offer for my anniversary than spending it with my husband. I'd been invited to a bloggers tasting event at the Kailyard Restaurant but it was taking place on our 15th Wedding Anniversary. Clearly too good an opportunity to refuse. However at the eleventh hour Foodie Loon was saved from a ready meal for one when the Dunblane Hydro generously offered a plus one. Full write up to come in due course but suffice to say we had a great time.
So amongst all the eating out and changes of plan what did I actually cook last week? Not a lot to be honest! Used up some Turkey Thighs that I bought as part of the British Turkey Blogger Recipe Competition to make turkey satay skewers with brown rice. I marinated them overnight  in Sweet Soya Sauce and served them topped with Peanut Satay. Both from Ria's. Very tasty and still got half a jar of the satay to use up.
Somewhat embarrassed by my Chorizo and Cannelini Bean Stew.  It was pretty tasty but nothing like the amazing looking dish that inspired me. Will aim to do better next time. Have already blogged about my Spaghetti Carbonara Frittata as part of the Britmums #eggmainsinminutes link up. Fantastic hot but I think I actually prefer it cold.
Our night in The Laundry Suite at The Carmelite Hotel was lovely. Thankfully no dirty washing as it's named after the room's old use. Jellybeans, Tunnocks Teacakes and Table Football were the order of the day.
For our anniversary meal we dined Japanese style at Yatai Izakaya with awesome sushi, sashimi, tempura, skewers and more.
And so to this week's #mealplanningmonday

Monday - Roast Gammon with Mustard Sauce
Bumped for the second Sunday in a row, this has been defrosted and WILL get eaten this week.

Tuesday - Tomato Gnocchi Gratin
This used to be a regular on my meal plans but hasn't been made in ages. Came across the recipe ripped out of a magazine when looking for something else.

Wednesday - Salmon with Maple Syrup and Grainy Mustard, Butternut Squash Mash
Have been sent three different types of Clarks Maple Syrup to review so will give one of them a go in this dish.

Thursday - Homemade Quiche of some sort

Friday - Steak with all the trimmings for me and Foodie Loon
Boy and girl are out to Frankie & Benny's with Lifesaving Club. They have a better social life than us.

Weekend - Glamping in a Gypsy Caravan at Bramble Bield
Fingers crossed for good weather!
Click on the badge below to head to Mrs M's linky for all this week's blogger meal plans. Enjoy your week x 


  1. If you don't hurry up and eat that gammon I'm going to come round there and eat it for you! Every time you mention it I think "Must go out and buy a piece of gammon" and with the new potatoes appearing in the shops and parsley coming on well in the garden for parsley sauce, I really ought to get on and do it.
    Not been meal planning as such for a few weeks because Life tends to get in the way, but still enjoying reading everyone else's plans!

    1. I am delighted to report that the Gammon has now been cooked and eaten!

    2. Bother, I'm going to have to buy my own!

  2. Sounds as if it was a good week for your anniversary. You need to tell me how to cook gammon as I have never actually done it! The Glamping weekend sounds good - fingers crossed for good weather! BIC x

  3. Sounds like another good week. Glad you had a nice time at your blogger preview tasting with Nick Nairn! What did you make of the chorizo sausages? (and did you try them cooked in a grill/griddle? I've only ever done them that way before).

    1. I had them in a Casserole. Would rather have the real deal to be honest. They were a bit wishy washy for my taste.


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