Maple Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Tuesday 30 October 2018
Don't discard your pumpkin seeds this Halloween! Those slippery little suckers that usually end up in the compost bin are just a couple of steps away from a delicious snack – crunchy, flavoursome and oh so moreish. Roasted with butter, cinnamon and maple syrup they become an autumnal taste sensation that you just can't get enough of. 

Hopefully by now I've harped on enough about using pumpkin for both carving and eating that you know my thoughts on the matter. #lovefoodhatewaste There is so much more potential within them that just a spooky face and a tea light. To clear up any further misconceptions you absolutely CAN eat the flesh of supermarket carving pumpkins, you perhaps won't get as much as from a culinary pumpkin but certainly enough for a pot of pumpkin soup or a loaf of pumpkin bread. But today's recipe isn't about pumpkin flesh, instead it's focusing upon another discarded element - pumpkin seeds.

It would be a frightful mistake to discard your pumpkin seeds this Halloween. Those slippery little suckers that you remove and discard in the compost bin are just a couple of steps away from a delicious snack – crunchy, flavoursome and oh so moreish. They’re perfect for grazing, as well as tossing into salads, or sprinkling over soups and savoury bakes for added texture and seasoning. (Personally I never seem to get past the grazing point but perhaps you have more self restraint than me!)

Maple Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

No quantities in this 'recipe' as they really depend upon how many seeds you get from your pumpkin!

Knob of Salted Butter
Fresh Pumpkin Seeds
Sea Salt (I used Maldon Smoked)
Maple Syrup

Pull away the stringy innards from your seeds and rinse them clean in a colander
Spread the seeds out on a clean tea towel and give them a good rub to dry and remove any remaining innards.
Pat dry again on and with kitchen roll.
Preheat oven to 180c
Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
In a pan over medium-low heat, melt the butter, then stir in the seeds. Cook, stirring constantly, until the seeds turn slightly brown in colour, about 5 minutes. You'll hear them start to pop.
Remove from heat. Drain off any excess butter; stir in the cinnamon, salt and maple syrup until the seeds are thoroughly coated with spices.
Spread the seeds out onto the prepared baking tray.
Cook for 10 minutes, checking and turning every couple of minutes.
Allow to cool before eating.

You can totally ring the changes with this 'recipe' and use pretty much any combination of sweet or savoury spices. Likewise the maple syrup can be swapped out for sugar, honey or carob syrup.

Don't discard your pumpkin seeds this Halloween! Those slippery little suckers that usually end up in the compost bin are just a couple of steps away from a delicious snack – crunchy, flavoursome and oh so moreish. Roasted with butter, cinnamon and maple syrup they become an autumnal taste sensation that you just can't get enough of.

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