Tunnock's Teacake Rocky Road

Friday 5 February 2016

I'm featuring an old favourite today. The Tunnock's Teacake. There's a whole lot of love for them and if only I could come up with a recipe which incorporates Irn Bru, Gin and Tunnock's Teacakes I'd be onto a surefire winner as all three are immensely popular with my social media followers. But today I'm celebrating purely the biscuity and marshmallowy goodness of the most iconic of Scottish confectionery. Inspiration came to me upon realisation that the Teacake's component parts of Chocolate, Marshmallow and Biscuit are also those of Rocky Road. Why not combine both? And so Tunnock's Teacake Rocky Road was born. Scotland in a traybake.

Tunnock's Teacake Rocky Road

12 Tunnock's Teacakes
200g Digestive Biscuits
75g Butter
3 Tbsp Golden Syrup
300g + 150g Milk Chocolate, broken into squares
50g Mini Marshmallows

Line a traybake tin (aprox 34cm x 20 cm) with greaseproof paper.
Cut the Tunnock's Teacakes in quarters and set half aside.
Put the digestives into a bag and bash them with a rolling pin. You are aiming for a mixture of crumbs and larger pieces of biscuits.
Melt the butter and the golden syrup in a heavy-based saucepan. Take off the heat and add 300g of chocolate. Stir and return to a gentle heat to completely melt.
Fold the bashed biscuits into the melted chocolate mixture in the saucepan, then add the mini marshmallows and finally half of the chopped up Teacakes.
Tip into your lined traybake tin and flatten as best you can with a spatula.
Nestle the remaining quarters of Teacakes into the mixture.
Melt the 150g of chocolate in a microwave or over a bain marie and pour it over the top of the Rocky Road avoiding the Teacake quarters.
Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours or overnight.
Cut into squares and enjoy with a cuppa.

My previous exploits with Tunnock's Teacakes have been...

I'll need to get my thinking cap on for my next creation. Any suggestions?

Pin me for later...
Tunnock's Teacake Rocky Road. Scotland in a Traybake! No bake cake perfect for Burns Night & St Andrew's Day


  1. 'Scotland in a traybake'. Made me wonder what Cornwall in a traybake would look like :D
    Janie x
    PS they look great, as do those sheep - seriously cute

    1. Oooh...would love to see Cornwall in a traybake! :-)

    2. The challenge has been set Jane! Look forward to seeing what you come up with... #CornwallinaTraybake

  2. Haha the wife just cried bye bye to our diet after seeing these! Diet now starts again Monday!

    1. #sorrynotsorry I promise that they are worth the calories!

  3. I am not a fan of marshmallow myself, but my husband is and he LOVES rock road, so I might make him this for Easter.

    1. I'm not much of a Marshmallow fan either but in these they are amazing! The Teacake Marshmallow is soft and spongy whilst the mini marshmallows are firmer. Perfect combination.

  4. I'm LOVING your Tunnocks obsession! And the tunnocks mug, though I don't think I could possibly have a cup of tea without a teacake :) These look so yummy!

    1. Obsession! That is indeed the word. It seems the the Scottish nation as a whole are obsessed with them. The mug is by Gillian Kyle but I picked up mine in a Charity Shop.

  5. Ohh these look lovely! A friend from Denmark brought over something very similar to these, so yummy!

    1. There's a Danish version of the Tunnock's Teacake? This I must track down!

  6. Love this idea! Firm fan of Tunnock's tea cakes! :) xo

    1. Thanks Danni! Not sure if I should admit it but I actually prefer Tunnock's Caramel Wafers.

  7. Wow...is there no end to what can be done with a Tunnock's Teacake? Love all of your ideas! And I'm dying to see what you come up with when you combine gin, Irn Bru and Tunnock's Teacakes...next year's Christmas ham perhaps? Eb x

    1. Oh gosh I'm not sure how I could make that particular combo work! Thinking hat definitely required, plus a wee bit of Heston Blumenthal genius.

  8. Fantastic! I need to try these, and your adorable sheep! Genius!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. The sheep are very cute. Perfect for Easter too.

  9. Claire, you are a genius. I thought it was hard to beat a Tunnock's Teacake, but now all I want is to try your rocky road. Love the sheep and Christmas decorations too. Thanks for sharing with #WeShouldCocoa.

    1. Thanks Choclette, I wonder what I can come up with next? This will be hard to beat.

  10. I don't have words for your ingenious way of making rocky road! No sane person could resist this! Thank you for sharing with this month's Treat Petite!

    1. Thanks Lisa - these treats definitely need to be served in petite squares!


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