We get through a LOT of Nutella in the Foodie Quine house. Or rather my daughter does. She would eat it morning, noon and night given half the chance. If I could remember where I first spotted the idea of Nutella IN pancakes as opposed to ON pancakes I'd give due credit but I'm afraid I can't. It is however all over Pinterest in various shapes and forms. This is how we made our first ever batch. The idea is far from mine but this is our version.

My basic pancake recipe is my Grandmothers (she of the famous Grandma Monearn's Shortbread) hence the imperial measurements. I've never got around to converting it to metric. If it ain't broke don't fix it. We made this on holiday in Galloway where the accommodation we were staying had an Aga hence we cooked them straight on the hot plates. Before anyone comments that the recipe says to cook on a girdle as opposed to a griddle, in Scotland that really is the correct word. You can use a frying pan, girdle or griddle.
GIRDLE, n. A met. form of Scots. griddle, a circular iron plate with hooped handle, suspended or placed over the fire and used for baking scones, oat-cakes, etc.
Nutella IN Pancakes
4oz Plain Flour
1 Tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Cream of Tartar
1/2 tsp Bicarb of Soda
Pinch of salt
1 beaten egg
Freeze teaspoonful sized discs of Nutella on a silicone sheet or baking parchment, we left them overnight to solidify.
To make the pancakes sieve together all the dry ingredients and make a well. Add beaten egg and mix. Gradually add milk whisking well until you reach a dropping consistency.
Preheat a buttered girdle or frying pan on the hob.
Spoon on the batter to the desired size and place on a Nutella disc. Top with more batter and cook as normal
Once the pancake starts to bubble turn over with a palette knife to cook the other side.
Put in between a folded tea towel on a cooling rack to keep warm.
Don't eat straight off the girdle as the filling is seriously HOT!
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