Spring Woodland, Hedgerow and Coastal Foraging in Aberdeenshire

Saturday, 17 January 2015
I'm delighted to announce my first foraging weekend for 2015 when I'm teaming up again with Scotland's only full time forager Mark Williams of Galloway Wild Foods. We're heading back to Stonehaven and getting the best of both worlds over two days. Coastal at Skatie Shore on the Saturday and Woodland and Hedgerow at Dunnottar Woods on the Sunday. Take your pick or join us for both.

Skatie Shore, Stonehaven
SATURDAY 4th April 2015
1pm - 5pm
£50 per person

Dunnottar Woods, Stonehaven
SUNDAY 5th April 2015
1pm - 5pm
£50 per person

Booking is via Eventbrite and to get a further idea of what to expect form the day take a look at the blog posts some of our previous joint events via the links below.

Skatie Shore - Spring

Tollohill Wood - Autumn

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