The first #MealPlanningMonday of 2014

Sunday, 5 January 2014
The festivities are over for another year, kids are back to school and its definitely time to get back to proper eating and meal planning. I feel all I've been doing for the last fortnight is constant grazing. Some healthy meals, fruit and vegetables are definitely required. This weeks plan has been inspired by Christmas gifts. Boy received a better haul of foodie goodies than I did. His Mincer and Moules Pot will be put to good use this week.
Among my own foodie gifts was a subscription to Delicious magazine. A couple of dishes from the January issue are making an appearance this week. No cookbooks in my haul this year but I did get Mary Berry's Autobiography which I am thoroughly enjoying. Not quite done with the Christmas partying yet as we have the Annual Dinner Dance for Foodie Loon's work on Friday night at The Marcliffe Hotel. I fully expect the food there to be amazing as always. It might even be my final formal doo there as sadly it is scheduled to close later this year. A real loss for Aberdeen.
Without further ado here's this weeks Meal Plan

Baked Salmon with Grainy Mustard and Maple Syrup
Pork Shoulder and Pearl Barley Stew (Delicious Magazine Jan 2014)
Minced Beef and Potato Pies
Baked Pasta with Mushrooms, White Wine and Cream (Delicious Magazine Jan 2014)
Roast Chicken Dinner

I've been joining in with Meal Planning Monday on Mrs M's blog for a whole year now. Do check out the linky for inspiration. I have a feeling there may be a bumper number of new year meal planners this week.
We caught up with friends at the weekend with a Christmas Leftovers Party. Ours and theirs. Despite everyone's best efforts I do still have a lot of cheese, sweets and biscuits left over. Made my third Sausage & Croissant Wreath to use up some Mulled Wine Sausages and a final appearance from a last batch of Tunnocks Teacakes Christmas Puddings. Soups of the day were Broccoli & Cauliflower Cheese, Sweet Potato and Lentil and Nigella's Black Bean and Coca Cola. Looks weird but tastes wonderful. Made from the liquor that I cooked my Christmas Ham in.
The leftover sweets from Gingerbread House building were utilised to decorate a train cake. My sister bought the tin to make this for us a number of Christmases back and when she was visiting asked if we had ever used it. Woops. Time to rectify. The choo choo was a big hit with both little and big kids. 
Enjoy your first full week of 2014 whether you are finishing off leftovers or embarking upon a healthy eating regime. We enjoyed a swinging Hogmanay in Stonehaven with Fireballs, Fizz and Fireworks. Hope you brought in the New Year in equal style.


  1. Happy New Year, and look forward to following your foodie adventures throughout 2014... Your son got the BEST foodie presents I reckon! Thanks...

  2. The train was a success - hurrah!!

  3. I think everyone is feeling the same this week....Just wanting a bit of routine
    The Salmon sounds delicious!

  4. Great meal plan, the pies sounds like a good idea - do they freeze OK? I'm thinking of things I can make and freeze for when my baby arrives as I don't think we will be cooking much in the early days x


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