There ain't no party like a Rock Star Party

Sunday, 6 October 2013
So the girl child was turning 9 and requested a Rock Star Party. Cue me being more excited than her and swinging into full party planning mode. First up. Invites. I'm not actually sure any of them knew what a VIP Backstage Pass, Access All Areas lanyard actually was. But their Mum's liked them. Cheapy neck straps from Ebay, colour printer, laminator and a hole punch were all that was required.
High security was vital on the door of the Hard Rock Cafe for the guests arriving. If your name's not down, you're not coming in. 
Pink and Black was the requested colour scheme so I scoured for appropriate Rock Star goodies to fit with the theme. The welcome drinks table was set with "Champagne" on ice, pink disposable glasses, Baked Star crisps and popcorn.
More scene setting with inflatable guitars, star balloons and disco lights. The lead singer requested a giant cookie for her cake (which was good as I don't do birthday cakes) and I topped it off with Champagne bottle candles.
Of course there had to be sweets and with the help of Twitter chums I tracked down an assortment of star themed ones - Starburst, Magic Stars, Wishes and Fruit Stars. Plus pink strawberry buttons and strawberry wands.
Cupcakes were requested which are something that I've not really tackled before. A fab recipe from a cakey friend did the trick and I even managed to pipe reasonably swirly two tone icing on them. The sparkly pink, black and starry glitter covered a multitude of sins. To use up all the remaining sprinkles I made some marshmallow pops. Way easier that cake pops.
A fab star topped cupcake holder borrowed from a friend showed my cakes off to their best advantage. 
The main Rock Star meal is apparently Burgers, Pizza and Fries. M&S do a great pack of 9 mini burger buns and I asked butcher Andrew Gordon to make me up a couple of dozen burgers to match. They looked and tasted great. 
Even rock stars need their five a day. Birthday Girl requested that there should be some veggies on the menu as "some people do like them". Clearly not her. Even when they are star and heart shaped.
Thick Milkshakes were the final item on the Rock Star Rider made with Strawberry and Chocolate Ice Cream. Fab party with lots of make up, hair gel, disco gear and crimping being donned by the guests. Once the last of the stragglers had been kicked out by security it was time for some real rock star indulgence. Pass me the Jack Daniels.

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