#ScotFood Grampian Twitter Chat September 2nd

Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Have you heard of #ScotFood Twitter Chat? Its been going for three months now and if you missed it so far you've missed out. You can find out a bit of the history behind its set up over on Susan McNaughton's website but the jist is that once a month Scottish Foodies (and those with an interest further afield) get together on for an hour on Twitter to share all that is good in the world of #ScotFood
The focused series of twitter chats using the #ScotFood hash tag aims to encourage those who grow, produce, prepare, use and enjoy Scottish Food to get to know each other better. Friendships are formed, minds opened to new opportunities to work together and the diversity and abundance of Scotland’s natural larder is promoted.

Interested? Want to get involved? Course you do! These are the questions for this month where the focus is on the Grampian Region (Aberdeen City, Aberdeen Shire and Moray)
  • 9:00 pm Q1 Introduce yourself – first name, first part of postcode, some info about your business or interest in food #ScotFood
  • 9:10 pm Q2 Are you running an event for ScotFoodFortnight? Tell us where, when & why we should come along? #ScotFood
  • 9:20 pm Q3 What products would you put in your ideal Scottish hamper? #ScotFood
  • 9:30 pm Q4 What is your favourite Grampian foodie trail? #ScotFood
  • 9:40 pm Q5 Where is your favourite local deli, eatery or speciality food shop and why? #ScotFood
  • 9:50 pm Q6 What Scottish food should be showcased at the Commonwealth Games 2014? #Scotfood
  • 10:00 End of #ScotFood until 7 October 2013 from 9–10 pm, when the focus is on Highland, Argyll & the Isles #ScotFood
To take part just make sure you are on Twitter between 9pm and 10pm on Monday 2nd September. If you RSVP to the event at twtvite you'll be tweeted a reminder. Invite your foodie friends to participate too and have a wee think in advance about your answers to the questions.

This month, the hosts from the Grampian Region are 
Karen @MissKazzieB
Lee @olivetreechocs
Claire @BerrieClaire 
and me, Claire @FoodieQuine

We will all be Tweeting out the questions, RTing and joining in the chat. Follow what's going on either by using #ScotFood in your search or by using a tool such as Tweetchat.co

Follow the hosts on Twitter, and when you see them Tweet out the questions jump on in with your answer. Remember to start with A1 (A2, A3 etc) and include the #ScotFood tag. For example, in response to Q1 I would tweet:
A1 Claire, AB39 Blogging and Blethering Food at www.foodiequine.blogspot.co.uk #ScotFood
After the chat, search out those who’ve participated, and follow them on Twitter, continue the conversation, support their efforts by RTs and #FFs and make the #ScotFood connection in other ways. 

Hope to chat to you next Monday 2nd Sept 9pm on #ScotFood 
Don't forget to RSVP here http://twtvite.com/ScotFoodSept13

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