Its Pinnies and Petticoats cake club time again. Can't believe its been two months since our festive meet. Our very own bake club bun is almost cooked and as such this months theme is Baby Shower in honour of Mum-to-be Emma. A quick Google revealed all manner of eye watering bad taste baby shower cakes. I opted not to go down the sperm cupcake, cesarean cake or lifelike baby cake but to go for the cute factor with some animal biscuits. Big Mistake.
The ice box animal cookie recipe can be found here and you can see what they are supposed to look like... All went well with making up the dough and even with the shaping and cutting but when I put them in the oven it began to go horribly wrong. The cookies spread out much more than I was expecting and all merged together.
The next tray I spread them out a bit more but they still lost their shape and depth somewhat in the oven and got a bit too brown around the edges. I still hoped that I might be able to rescue them with clever icing and decoration but I made a bit of a hash with that too.
The most hilarity came when I unveiled my creations to my Facebook and Twitter followers and asked them to guess what they were supposed to be. I can reveal that they are not teddies, cats, bears, kiwis, owls, robbins, pigs, cows or tigers. They are in fact supposed to be Lions and Penguins.
Lion and Penguins and Mutants. Oh My! |
The snow and work commitments unfortunately prevented some of the regulars from attending but we still had a great turn out with some new faces and lots of wonderful cakes and bakes and interpretations of the Baby Shower theme. Alas no savouries this time. My cookies were joined by some cute almond ducklings in the biscuit corner. So sweet and slightly sticky.
Almond Duckling Cookies
One of my favourites of the night was the luxury bars. The plate of these was emptied very quickly. I must get the recipe. Crispy, gooey and calorific. I suspect condensed milk may be involved.
Luxury Bars |
There was a lovely selection of childhood inspired bakes with marshmallows, sprinkles and krispies. A sweet treat down memory lane.
Children's Favourites |
Rice Krispie Hearts |
Marshmallow Lollipops |
Our Macaron Queen broke with tradition and instead made some amazing melt in the mouth vanilla meringues and the geometrically challenging Battenburg. Not content with one she did it three ways. Traditional, Sugar Paste and White Chocolate Ganache.
Pink and Blue Meringues |
Battenburg |
I was in awe of the amazing pastel rainbow cake with cream cheese icing. Like a giant Jazzie with a wonderful surprise inside. We also had secret surprise cupcakes with a heart hidden inside. Very clever.
Pastel Rainbow Cake |
Secret Surprise Cupcakes |
More gorgeous cupcakes with sticky toffee and turkish delight flavourings and a wonderful pastel frosted plateful of cupcakes at profiteroles. The profiteroles in particular were to die for.
Sticky Toffee Cupcakes and Rose Water & Chocolate Cupcakes |
Pastel Frosted Cupcakes and Profiteroles |
Chocolate goodies a plenty with Tiffin and the easiest Chocolate Fudge ever. I do love Apple Cake and the apple squares fitted the bill perfectly. Another of my favourites.
Chocolate Fudge & Tiffin |
Apple Squares |
Pun of the night award goes to Karen for her "Bundts in the Oven". Not sure if she will have forgiven me for saying that her creation smelt like old lady drawer liners. I'm not a huge fan of flowery flavours in food. However they did taste much better than they smelt ;-)
Lemon & Lavendar Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle |
Miniature cakes fitted well with the theme and we had Gluten Free Baby Red Velvet Cakes and Mini Scones with Lemon Curd and Cream. I can not resist lemon curd.
Mini Scones with Lemon Curd and Cream |
Baby Red Velvet Cakes |
Last but by no means least we had a giant Jelly Baby created by the boys. Looked amazing and we even got mum-to-be Emma to carve it up C-Section style. Alas the consistency was somewhat more akin to bouncy ball than gummy bear. Much hilarity.
Our next meet is scheduled for 13th February and naturally the theme is Valentines. If you fancy joining us have a look at the Facebook Page for all the details. The Pinnies and Petticoats baby is due on 14th February so we are keeping our fingers crossed that Emma can join us with either bump or baby!
My previous Pinnies and Petticoat blog posts can be found here